
Research Programme 6: Analysis and modelling of the economic dimension of technological change

Professor Jana Hančlová's research team will focus on the economic implications of technological change with an emphasis on the problems identified in the Moravian-Silesian region. The work of the sixth research team will thus build on the work of other research teams in the Social Lab, using insights from contemporary economic theory (including behavioural approaches) and advanced econometric and experimental methods.

Head of the research team: prof. Ing. Jana Hančlová, CSc.
Professor at the Department of Systems Engineering and Informatics at the Faculty of Economics, VŠB-TUO, 30 years of experience in macroeconomic and regional econometric modelling, efficiency evaluation of DEA models. He has extensive experience in solving national and international research projects. Her work has been published in reputed journals such as Omega- International Journal of Management Science and Expert Systems and Applications. She has served as President of the Czech Society for Operations Research and the Czech Econometric Society.

Head of the research team

