
Research Programme 1: Governance for Sustainable Transition

The region has long faced low entrepreneurial activity and a low representation of promising sectors. At the same time, it faces socio-demographic challenges such as social exclusion and population out-migration. A just transition appears to be a unique opportunity to alleviate these problems, but it requires a comprehensive socio-technological approach, involving not only technological transformation but also institutional, organisational and socio-cultural change. This approach, focusing on socio-technological transition (STT), seeks transformation along different dimensions.

Head of the research team: doc. RNDr. Petr Rumpel, Ph.D.
Petr Rumpel, who heads the Department of Social Geography and Regional Development at the Faculty of Science, University of Ostrava, has been involved in basic and applied research for almost three decades. He is involved in many research projects that focus on regional innovation systems, shrinking cities, old industrial regions and the concept of smart cities. His work has been published in renowned journals such as European Urban and Regional Studies, European Planning Studies, Cities.

Head of the research team

